Ski maintenance

1. Clean it
With a little water and a cloth, clean your skis/snowboards/helmets/boots/poles, etc. properly.
Try not to force the water and do not use degreasers or detergents as they may damage your equipment. If there is an unpleasant accumulation of grease or spring pollen, (usually in the form of a thick grey or black patch) use a cloth immersed in a small amount of citric solvent.
2. Check the edges
Remove the most obvious burrs from the edges to reduce the risk of rust. Ideally, at the end of the season, you should hand in your skis or snowboards to Easy-gliss, or to specialist technicians in a shop near you, who will make your skis as good as new.
Skis and snowboards must be serviced once a year.
3. Protect the edges
Apply oil generously to the edges of your equipment to protect them from rust.
4. Put them away
Find a decent place to store them. A cool, dry place inside your house and out of the sun. A neutral position without pressure on the camber or rocker (not suspended by the spikes between two pegs and not compressed by straps or brakes).
We know this is unavoidable, but basic bumps and holes in your skis or snowboards are harmful and will hamper their performance. We advise you to visit your local shop, such as Easy-gliss.