What happens if I am not at home at the time of delivery?

If you are at home during the usual delivery hours of La Poste, DPD or GLS, you can give us another delivery address, whether it is your workplace, a friend's or a neighbour's house. If you have chosen delivery by COLISSIMO, DPD, GLS and you prefer to be delivered to your home, if you are absent when the postman or deliveryman comes, a delivery notice will be left in your letterbox. This will tell you the time and day of the delivery and the post office where you can collect the parcel. You will need to go to the post office indicated with the delivery note left by the postman and some form of identification to collect it.As far as the carriers are concerned, they will leave you a notice indicating where you can collect your parcel, or they will contact you directly using the telephone information you have given us to agree on a new delivery day.