Das 1960 gegründete Unternehmen HEAD ist ein Pionier in der Anwendung neuer Technologien und Techniken. Als erstes Unternehmen, das Aluminium in einen Ski einbaute, wurde die Marke schnell zu einem wichtigen Akteur auf dem Skimarkt.
Die Strategie setzt auf einen cleveren Mix aus Innovationen und der Suche nach Leistung, die direkt aus dem Rennsport kommt. Head ist heute natürlich als ausgesprochene Hochleistungsmarke positioniert, wie die vielen Podiumsplatzierungen im Weltcup zeigen.
Die neuen Technologien und Materialien sind nun für die Allgemeinheit und damit für die größte Anzahl von Menschen verfügbar.
Dank Graphen, dem leichtesten und stärksten Material der Welt, stellt HEAD Skier her, die leicht und stark sind. Durch die Integration von Karuba (Holz) und Koroyd (Wabentechnologie) wird der Ski noch leichter, wobei die Steifigkeit erhalten bleibt. Durch den Einsatz der KERS-Technologie, einem integrierten elektronischen System, das die Rückgewinnung in jeder Kurve maximiert, stellt HEAD einige der leistungsstärksten Ski der Welt her.
Einige der weltbesten Athleten vertrauen HEAD, von der Abfahrtsweltmeisterin Lindsey Vonn bis zum Freestyler Jesper Tjäder. Gemeinsam und mit dem Innovationsgeist von HEAD verschieben wir die Grenzen unseres Lieblingssports.
Head was founded in Baltimore, Maryland in 1950 by an aeronautical engineer, Howard Head, after a winter sports trip in which he was surprised by his wooden skis at a time when metal and plastic were the basic materials of construction for most products.Howard Head was working for the Glenn L. Martin Company, which used aluminium and laminated plastic to build aircraft fuselages, and sensed that these materials could be the basis for an ideal ski. After two years of struggling to design a ski that would hold up and not break in use, the winter of 1950 saw the beginning of a ski that not only did not break under stress but also made turning incredibly easy./p>
Head's revolution allowed the company to capture up to 50% of the US market during the 1960s, making it the leading ski manufacturer in the US and Britain.
Howard Head sold the company to AMF (American Machine and Foundry) in 1969 and entered the tennis business with a majority stake in Prince (brand).
Head is a manufacturer of winter sports equipment (skis, snowboards, boots) for leisure and competition. The brand is represented by world-renowned athletes such as Ted Ligety, Bode Miller and Aksel Lund Svindal in the men's category and Lindsey Vonn in the women's category3.
Like most ski manufacturers, Head offers a wide range of categories, from Race skis, to Freestyle skis, to All Moutain and Speed skis. These categories are adapted to the type of practice envisaged, whether it is for competition on hard snow, leisure skiing on the slopes, off-piste skiing in powder or versatile skis for any practice. Head has also distinguished itself by producing an intelligent ski capable of adapting to the snow through electronic chips, notably with the Intelligence and KERS technologies (similar to F1) on the recovery of mechanical energy from the ski.
Head ski boots come in several categories:
- the Raptor range, very rigid boots used by professionals with a flex index of up to 160,
- the Vector range, for less rigid competition with a maximum flex of 120,
- and the Edge comfort range with much softer shoes but consequently less precise shoes that are found in rental shops with a flex that is generally between 70 and 90.
Some of the world's best athletes trust HEAD, from downhill champion Lindsey Vonn to freestyler Jesper Tjäder. Together and with HEAD's innovative spirit, we are pushing the boundaries of our favourite sport.